Installing redITEM

Installing redITEM and its various modules, plug-ins and templates is simple and follows the same installation principles as any other Joomla! extension. As indicated in Joomla's "Installing an Extension" guide, the procedure for both Joomla 2.5 and 3.x is as follows:

Download & Install redITEM

  1. Download redITEM or its various extensions to your local machine as zip file packages. (You'll find these available in the “Subscription Downloads" area)
  2. From the back-end of your Joomla site (administration) select Extensions -> Extension Manager
  3. From the Upload File tab, Click the Choose File button and select the extension package on your local machine.
  4. Click the Upload & Install button.

If all goes well, you will get a summary of the extension that has been installed, and in the case of redITEM, you will be presented additionally with two buttons: "Install Demo Content" and "Use It Now". These are discussed further down this page.

If there was a problem installing, or an error has occurred, a summary will be provided with an indication of the issue. Tackling such installation issues is discussed further in the next section.

Troubleshooting and Considerations

This section deals with providing solutions to issues that can arise when installing or using redITEM or any of its related extensions. As there are many hosting solutions available with multiple various combinations of PHP / MySQL / Apache or IIS, it's important to ensure that the minimum required versions for each have been installed before troubleshooting further.
  • PHP Settings
  • File / folder permissions
  • Host Settings (+plug for redHOST)

Post-install options

Once you have successfully installed redITEM a summary will appear along with two "button" links. Descriptions for these button links are as follows:

Install demo content

Clicking this button will install some sample fields, item types, templates and items into redITEM's database before redirecting the user into redITEM's Main Menu. This is to give beginners and newcomers to redITEM an opportunity to see how redITEM's content is constructed and templated, as well as providing examples that can be worked with on the front and back-end.
The sample data consists of item types A and B, a parent and child category, four items, 20 fields and four templates.

Use It Now

Clicking on this link will take you straight to redITEM's Main Menu screen. This link is recommended for those who have worked with redITEM before and do not need to install demo content.