Override redCOOKIE Output (Plugin Override)

To override the output of redCOOKIE plugin in your template:

create a folder named "templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/html/plg_system_redcookie/" and copy the original layout files at plugins/system/redcookie/tmpl/* to this new folder. Now you can modify the output of any of the available templates: beam.php, box.php or tab.php

Is important to note that to build the override layout you need to create it in this path: templates/TEMPLATE-NAME/html/plg_PLUGIN-GROUP_PLUGIN-NAME/ example: templates/beez3/html/plg_content_pagenavigation/ Where PLUGIN-GROUP is the group to which the plugin belongs (is the name of the first folder where the plugin is located, see: https://github.com/joomla/joomla-cms/tree/staging/plugins, read more about Event groups at http://docs.joomla.org/Plugin/Events )